George A. Lozano

Animal Behaviour
I taught this course under difficult circumstances. I was working in Florida at the time. I was contacted on a Monday, interviewed over the phone on a Wednesday, and hired on a Friday. I flew to BC over the weekend and had my first class on the following Tuesday. Once I got there, I did not have any office, computer, or library access for the first 3 weeks of a 13 week course. Nevertheless, we managed to do some class projects, have a poster session, and cover the basis of behaviour.
For my troubles, I was rewarded with a paid sabbatical during the following term, which I took to Tartu University. I already had a job lined up at Cayman 4 months later. After a year there, I returned to Estonia, where I have and more or less stayed, so far.
​​​​​Background: My Ph.D. thesis was titled "Parental care and female mate choice in yellow warblers". This is yellow warbler female feeding her babies. The photo was actually taken years later outside my window at the Cayman Islands.