George A. Lozano

Introduction to Biology II
Instructor: Dr. G. A. Lozano
Office: Ellington Building Room 207
Phone: 678-3732
Office hours: anytime -day or night, weekdays or weekends
(drop-in basis, if I am there, or by appointment)
also, 20-30 minutes before class – drop-in basis
1.- Pruitt, N. L., Underwood, L. S. and Surver, W. 2000. Bioinquiry: making connections in biology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. N.Y. (and associated material)
2.- Carnegie, D. 1981. How to win friends & influence people. Pocket Books, New York.
3.-Additional reading material may be assigned or suggested.
Class times: Tuesdays and Thursdays 17:30 h to 18:55h (5:30 p.m. to 6:55 p.m.)
Date Topic Suggested reading
Week 1-Jan 16 Introduction Chapters 1 and 2
Week 2-Jan 23 The Origin of Life Chapter 8.3
Taxonomy Chapters 8.1 and 8.2
Week 3-Jan 30 The Diversity of Life
Week 4-Feb 6 The Diversity of Life
Week 5-Feb 13 Exam 1
Plant Form and Function Chapter 12
Week 6-Feb 20 Plant form and Function
Week 7-Feb 27 Life History
Week 8-Mar 6 Behaviour Chapter 13
Week 9-Mar 20 Behaviour
Mar 22 Exam 2
Week 10-Mar 27 Population Biology Chapter 14
Week 11-Apr 3 Interactions-Abiotic Chapter 15
Week 12-Apr 10 Predation & competition
Week 13-Apr 17 Parasitism & cooperation
Week 14-Apr 24 Review and final words
May 3, 2000 Final exam – 5:30 p.m.